The Law of Entrainment

The Sacred Law of Entrainment states that when two different frequencies are presented, a third frequency will be produced that is equal to the difference between the two frequencies. The lower one will move up to meet the higher one. Everything is energy and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Nature will always want to bring two frequencies into harmony. When you choose to vibrate at your highest frequency, the lower ones will rise up to match the higher ones. If you are at peace, love, acceptance and positivity, it is extremely likely that the people around you will shift to that too. Love acts as a vacuum cleaner drawing forth anything unlike love to be healed. We have to see it to heal it. There is no escaping it. So we may turn, face it, and ask, ‘What is love trying to teach me?’ Our bodies naturally entrain to external rhythms without us realizing it. The leading beat may come up from music influencing our internal rhythm through waves of sound. Our own breath influences our heartbeat and respiration. By understanding the law of entrainment and the effects it can have on our being, we can use it to harmonize and heal our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.


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